Saturday, December 26, 2009


In India there are more than 20 political families, whose family members keep on becoming their successor or other ministers, and all this in name of having India as one of the largest Democracies of the world. To name some of these highly elite political families, starting with the world famous Gandhi-Family( actually, Gandhi is just a name taken, it is the family of Jawaharlal Nehru) that includes Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Sanjay Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi and now recently, Rahul Gandhi and Varun Gandhi. What is interesting to note is that this family has been and is a part of both Congress and BJP. Other such families that rule the Indian Governance has been, Lalu Prasad Yadav and Family, Mufti Mohammed Sayeed and Family, Biju Patnaik and Family, Madhav Rao Scindia and Family, who were former Maharajas and many more, The list is endless.

Is this actually Democracy?? Is this what our ancestors have fought for, freedom that worships some families? Many people have an argument that even these new appointed ministers that come from political families are elected by people. To them, a Question asked by Young India is, when every party, is keen on giving tickets to the political family members only, then where is the choice?? The media creates a hype over the fact that Mr. Rahul Gandhi has stayed in a Dalit's house on his tour in Uttar Pradesh. But the Question arises, why do we give so larger than life status to these sons of politicians, that their mingling with us, knowing our problems, seems to oblige us, as if this was not their responsibility? The Idol worshiping of these politicians has led to a scenario where these politicians believe it their kindness to work for the people, which actually is their job, they get paid for it!

The mockery of Democracy by politicians is not restricted here. Ms. Mayawati has passed an order to make parks having the idols of Late B.R. Ambedkar, Late Kanshiram and herself, sanctioning 5000 Crores of Rupees for it!! On being criticized and questioned, she gave the most outrageous answer, stating that if there can be so much spend on the idols of Gandhi family , that why not for Dalits (read as her). She has not even payed any heed to the Supreme Court's order of stopping the work on the those sites. This shows the arrogance, ignorance and autocratic behavior of the politicians. We ,the Young India ask them, who in the world gave them the right to misuse our money for their whims and fancies?? This money belongs to the people of this country, and should be used only for them.

Parliament, the epitome of Indian democracy, the place where our leaders should ponder about the issues plaguing the nation, is nothing more than a classroom of very notorious kids. What have we not seen in the parliament , from flying slippers, mikes etc to the ironically, " most unparliamentary" language being used. From the display of the money , allegedly used for buying votes , during a vote of confidence of Mr. Manmohan Singh's government to the walkouts that wasted almost one third hours of parliament in the 2008 summer session. Add to this the fact there are more than 65 MP's, who have a criminal record, and you can very well imagine the state of disintegration that Indian politics is going through.

There are many other issues that shatters the faith of a common man in the politics and politicians, if any of it is remaining. It is an open secret that many of the terrorist sleeping modules are allowed to exist, in fear of a loss of minority vote bank. No one can deny the fact that almost all riots , although never proved, are state-sponsored to achieve some of their vested interests. This also is now a common knowledge, that there is a large, very large, sum of black money in the Swiss Bank Account that has been accumulated there by many of our politicians.

India needs a revolutionary change in the manner in which the politicians are dealt with, in the country. Starting with a setup of a council that has representation of different sets of society, both economically and socially. This council should be an autonomous body elected by the public on the basis of the work that they have done towards society. This must not involve any political party, or any campaigning, just a list of their contributions should be available. The political parties should be accountable for all their activities to the council. Also there must be a law passed with an immediate effect that disallows for any person with a criminal record to contest elections. There should be an awareness campaign run to educate people of their rights and politician's duties. All these efforts will only work if there is a unanimous acceptance of the fact that , every single individual, be it a politician, a bureaucrat, a policeman, a doctor , an engineer or whatever, has a duty towards the nation, to enrich it and protect it.

Together we can and we will make a difference!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Just now, after studying for about 2 hours, tired of mean calculations and horribly spelled words cramming session, i decided to watch TELEVISION.... that is rightly so, more famous as IDIOT BOX.
There were 7 movies coming on various different channels. In the first, there was an ugly looking guy, molesting a very pretty girl, in another one, a father slapped his daughter, thrice, as she confessed of being in love with a boy of her college, and then there was one movie in which, two gangs were fighting ferociously for a piece of land.
This wasn't the end.
In another flick, in the ongoing scene , the hero was mesmerized by watching the (very) scantily dressed heroine bathing under the waterfall,and yes there was an ongoing (just for saying, aesthetically shot)love scene on another.
In short, the agenda is simple. To grab eyeballs and to raise the rankings, just follow a simple rule, EITHER TITILLATE OR IRRITATE.
All the television channels, be it music, news, sports, movies or whatever, believe in this. The result is in front of us. today, we have a society, that due to being fed on such videos, and watching this insanely uncultured( and when i say that, i am not talking about Indian culture but about human culture in general) stuff, has began to like this and yes, i forgot to mention, demand and desire it in real life.
And to make the impact more visible, i will like to mention it.
Increasing thefts by well-to-do family kids, not for needs but for desires. Increasing incidents of molestation , by (sexually starved but excited by actresses and music videos)young Indians. Increasing number of people taking up cigarettes and liquor, to look as they say, "IN".
BUT,WE ONLY NEED TO PUT AN END TO IT. Unlike others , i wont preach the ways to do so. I believe its better if we all start ourselves realizing the difference between REAL AND REEL..

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

'IF' Doesn't EXIST part-2

Even after a lot of persuasion, Vikas remained adamant on his decision to go to the Scott International School. As expected, the first day of his new school life was eventful, in more than one ways.
"Hi Mr. Driver, I never knew, the school has started giving charitable admissions" mocked Rohit.
Vikas didn't reply.
"Cmon, friends, lets meet the poor, studious guy, a perfect person for THE AWARD OF SYMPATHY." another sharp insult from Rohit, enjoyed by all others.
No reply again.
Before, Rohit and others could continue their assault, Ms. Vandana, the class teacher, came to the class and more importantly to the rescue of Vikas.
Ms. Vandana, was among the very few teachers of the school, who were in favor of Vikas’s admission. She unlike others believed that facilities and education should be given to all, disregarding their social-economic background. She was a physics teacher, who was in the profession, for the love of it, and nothing else. She was a scholar and a great teacher to say the least.
"Hello Every one, before we start with the class, I would like to introduce to you all, Vikas Shridhar, the new admission who has won the prestigious talent search exam that you all know of, so be nice to him, and help him catch up with the course, ok?” said Ms. Vandana in her normal, friendly but firm voice.
“That we will” was a common thought passing in the heads of many, with Rohit being the torch bearer of the Vikas hate club.
Ms. Vandana started teaching her lecture, and Rohit,started plotting in his mind, how to make the stay of Vikas, at the Scott, both short spanned and hellish too.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

'IF' Doesn't EXIST

"Leave that pen, Rohit"
"It belongs to me, that is why."
"Huh.As if i care, listen for once you monkey, you dare not argue with me,else it wont take me long to break both, your pen and your neck". Rohit said with an attitude thats comes in a 7th grade boy, by having the biggest size in the class in all dimensions and currencies possible.
Rohit moved away, without any objection from anyone including the owner of the pen, Vicky, the guy known among boys for his timidness, and not even known to girls.

It was the first day of Scott International school, known for its rich students, best paid teachers and great infrastructure. More than this it was known for the absence of any economically middle or lower class student, one for the obnoxiously high fees charged and also for the fear of being isolated by others. But there was soon going to be an exception.

Vikas Shridhar, a new admission in 7th A, was the son of a bus driver of the same school. He got the admission by winning the talent search exam by the school, to the surprise of many, and discomfort of others. His father, having had the taste of the snobbishness of students madly intoxicated by the power of money, was wary of this.

He tried to convince his son, " Vikas, this school will not be a very great place for you to be in."
" But, why dad? You were to always telling me about the great playgrounds, great labs etc of the school" said a bewildered Vikas.
" Yes that is all true, BUT..."said his father hesitantly. After all,it is difficult to make a 13-year old boy understand about the worldly wisdom of being among equals.
"But what?" retorted Vikas.
"But son, it would have been great for you only if we were rich" said his father in a sad, but matter-of-fact tone.
"Dad, i just know one thing, " 'IF' doesn't EXIST".

Oblivious to the world in large, the man of the millennium had just started his journey, on the road less traveled.


if you like long.. realistic epics... read this one ..


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